Sunday, May 28, 2006

Everything I Can Find On Ted Dekker

The goal of this blog is to provide a one stop source on Ted Dekker. Over the next weeks I will post all of my previous reviews and new ones here. I will gather other reviews and sources of reviews for all his books. I will attempt to get links to interviews, including plans for future books, movies, etc. And I will begin an effort to compile a biography.

Stay tuned if you like this writer and what he stands for.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

please, do you know if Ted Dekker is making a movie on "Blink" because i really hop he is. Its a fantastic book. The best ive read in 2 years! and i read a lot!

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would like to know how DeKker thinks of these kinds of books? I'm currently trying to write a book but it wouldn't even come close to what he has writen

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the best book i think he's written so for is showdown now that's a movie i'd love to be in as a main character or somethin!!!!!!!!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please do you know if DeKker is making a movie on showdown or skin,now those are wonderful reads i do recommend them, best DeKker books yet!!!!

11:24 AM  

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